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Calls for Submissions - January 2013

Each month, the Ashland MFA Program receives calls for submissions and contest deadlines, which it publicizes in its monthly newsletter. Listed below are this month's calls for submissions, in order of deadlines, where posted.

Winner receives $3,000, publication, 
and 100 copies.
Accepting electronic & postal submissions
November 1, 2012 - January 15, 2013.
Cole Swensen will judge.

Sixfold Call for Submissions

Enter by Jan. 24
Win $1000, $200, $100 for your short story or poems
Completely writer-voted journal
Vote online to create the next issue of Sixfold


Upload your own fiction or poetry PDF manuscript for a $6 entry fee by Jan. 24, 2013. Then, vote within your genre to select the three prize-winning manuscripts ($1000, $200, $100) and the manuscripts published in each issue of Sixfold.

Read, vote, and give feedback during three rounds of reading six other writers’ manuscripts in your genre of short story or poetry (18 manuscripts total) .

Round 1, Feb. 1 to Feb. 12 | Round 2, Feb. 13 to Feb. 24 | Round 3, Feb. 25 to Mar. 8
Each round, read, vote, and give feedback on 6 different manuscripts in 12 days.

Voting is complete in 6 weeks. You receive up to 6, 24, or 78 votes and comments on your own manuscript from other writers, depending on how far it progresses through the three voting rounds.

Attention Women Writers: AROHO
Don’t miss A Room of Her Own’s upcoming prize deadlines:

Orlando Prizes

Award: $1000 and publication for the best unpublished work by a woman in each of four genres—Short Fiction, Flash Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Poetry. Winning entries will receive $1000 and print publication in the Los Angeles Review.

Online Application Deadline: 1/31/2013 for all genres.

Fee: $15 per entry (payable via Paypal)

#radbrief Challenge

Submit your radically brief poetry, nonfiction, or fiction and receive one free issue of the Los Angeles Review, a chance to appear in LAR, on AROHO’s website, Facebook & Twitter, and be entered into the GO-Retreat Pass Raffle.

Fee: $8 per submission

2013 Retreat for Women Writers

Submit the free online application to attend our 6th Retreat for Women writers taking place at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, NM August 12-18, 2013. Applications containing program proposals and additional information for fellowship/AIR consideration must be submitted electronically on our website by midnight on February 1, 2013 (EST). General retreat applications may be submitted for consideration until all slots are full or until the registration/housing payment deadline on May 15, 2013, whichever comes first. Apply early. Space at the retreat is competitive and limited.

Please visit our website at for further instructions and details.

Canyon Voices
Canyon Voices, Arizona State University’s online literary magazine, is currently accepting submissions for its Spring 2013 publication. Our deadline for the current issue is March 15th!

As a literary and arts journal, Canyon Voices is dedicated to discovering the emerging talent of student writers, while also providing a forum for established artists. We feature art, poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction, and short play scripts with the goal of expanding writing communities across the country. We invite you to share this information with your students, your faculty and your personal writing circles.

Please visit our website at for submission guidelines.

2013 Four Way Books Levis Prize in Poetry

James Longenbach, judge

January 1 - March 31, 2013
electronic or mail submissions accepted

Publication of a book-length manuscript
$1000.00 honorarium

Featured reading in a New York City event sponsored by
Four Way Books

Open to all poets regardless of publication history

Click here for complete guidelines


The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund has applications available for student activists who are organizing for social change and building progressive movements and will be enrolled in school during the 2013/14 academic year. Our website provides answers to questions about the Fund, the application process, and the students we support. If you know of students working for peace and justice, or if you have a list of activist contacts, please send this announcement along and refer potential applicants to the Fund’s website:

Since 1961 the Davis-Putter Fund has provided need-based grants to students who are able to do academic work at the college level and are involved in building movements for social and economic justice. Grantees are both graduates and undergraduates enrolled in accredited schools for the period covered by their grant. Although citizenship is not a consideration, applicants must be enrolled in an accredited program in the US in order to qualify.

The maximum grant is $10,000 and may be considerably smaller depending on the applicant's circumstances and the funding available. All the funds come from individual donors and there are 25-30 grants awarded each year. Grants are for one year although students may re-apply for subsequent years.

Applications and the supporting documents -- transcripts, a personal statement, two letters of recommendation, a photograph, financial aid reports -- must be postmarked by April 1. Those selected to receive a grant will be notified in July.

The Norton Girault Literary Prize in Poetry
(annual prize alternates among Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction genres)

The Norton Girault Literary Prize will be offered in 2013 for POETRY —

One prize will go to a single poem, which will receive $1,000 and publication in Barely South Review. One honorable mention will also be selected to receive $200.00 and publication.

The Norton Girault Literary Prize is named after Norton Girault:

We are also thrilled to announce that the final judge for the 2013 competition is poet David Wojahn, born in St. Paul, Minnesota and educated at the University of Minnesota and the University of Arizona.


Submissions are through our Submittable page, available here:

Submissions are read blind. Please do not put your name in the file with your poems or in the “Title” field in Submittable.


Submit 1 to 3 poems, up to ten pages, in one document with 12-pt Times New Roman and 1” margins. Please ensure no identifying information is in this file.

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