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Calls for Submission- March 2017

Each month, the Ashland MFA Program receives calls for submissions and contest deadlines, which it publicizes in its monthly newsletter. Listed below are this month's calls for submissions. 

Journal Submissions

BlackLivesMatter is the theme for the MFA Monthly's third issue. They are looking for politically mindful poetry, stories, and essays centering on the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Submissions for this issue close on April 1st.

New Delta Review’s general submissions are now open for fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and artwork. As a journal they are committed to publishing underrepresented voices and aim to foster diversity in their issues. They’re now accepting submissions for their Spring 2017 issue, submissions closing April 5th.

The Woven Tale Press welcomes unsolicited submissions. Since their mission is to grow traffic to noteworthy artists and writers on the World Wide Web, they want to be able to link back your work; you must have a blog or website address. 

The Southern Review’s submission period is open, with submissions for prose remaining open until December 1, 2017. They accept mail submissions in all genres and online submissions in fiction and nonfiction.

The Rush is a literary magazine edited by the graduate students at Mount Saint Mary's University in Los Angeles.  They’re looking for high-energy pieces (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photography) that reflect the rush of life. They encourage and welcome simultaneous submissions. Submissions close April 1, 2017.

The Southeast Review is currently accepting poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and book review submissions for issues 35.1 and 35.2. They seek quality writing from a range of traditions and styles, with an emphasis on work that pushes boundaries and uses its craft to evoke emotion while making the strange seem familiar and the familiar, strange.

Upstart literary journal tiny poetry: macropoetics is seeking submissions. While small, its journal is unique and edgy and has already featured luminary American writers. They are looking for space-based poetry that focuses on the relationship between self and nature, self and items (such as household items, books, etc) and self and other (love, friendship, relationship). They want to curate ten total poems for each issue, twenty-five image poems (macros) and five poems surrounding animals, specifically cats. Send all submissions with an author bio to or visit

Platypus Press Wildness wants work that evokes the unknown. Platypus Press publishes its online edition every two months. A print anthology will be released once a year. Rolling submissions. No minimum length for poetry and prose, but please keep stories under 2,500 words and each poem under 80 lines. They currently only accept unpublished works; this includes website and personal blogs.

Palaver was recently named one of Flavorwire’s hybrid magazines to follow. They are asking for Creative or Academic Submissions that defy the confines of a single discipline and have accessible language. The written academic work should be typed, double spaced, and follow MLA guidelines. Due to the volume of submissions Palaver receives, they ask that the academic pieces run no longer than twenty-five pages, and they do not accept previously published work-- be it print or online. 

Eternal Remedy is an online journal dedicated to creative writing surrounding the topics of existentialism, love, psychology, philosophy, religion and the human condition in general. In its third year of operation, the journal is looking to expand its writing selections. 

Front Porch Journal, the online literary journal of Texas State University’s MFA program, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The journal publishes three times a year, highlighting emerging and established writers, reviews, and interviews. They are looking for new stories, essays, poems, flash, artwork, and graphic narratives. 

JuxtaProse is accepting submissions in fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, art, and photography. They pride themselves on providing a venue where emerging writers can find a voice alongside some of the most respected names in world literature. For more details, visit:

Submit writing to "Inklight," a meeting place of creative writing and photography published on the website of Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism. For this unique project, photographers submit original work, which is selected to be posted on the Afterimage web site. Writers then submit original creative writing inspired by one of the images on the web site. New Inklight features will be posted on their web site regularly and archived indefinitely. For the current selection of photographs, please visit: Submit ONE piece of writing (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction) of up to 750 words or 25 short lines as a Word document email attachment with “Inklight Writing” in the subject line, and include in your email the title and name of the artist of the work you are responding to. No critical responses, please.

Golden Walkman Magazine, a literary magazine for your ears, is accepting submissions. Send your best poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and craft essays. Work can be sent to For guidelines, visit:

Found Polaroids is looking for flash fiction to accompany their collection of “found polaroids.” While submitted stories are unpaid writing projects, the exposure that students would gain from their stories is widespread. Found Polaroids has been featured on such news outlets as BBC World Radio, The, Dazed Magazine, CBC Radio 'As It Happens’,, The Plaid Zebra, and many more. 

Glassworks publishes nonfiction, fiction, poetry, hybrid pieces, craft essays, new media, and art both digitally and in print. We also publish flash fiction, prose poetry, and micro essays in our online edition Flash Glass monthly. Submissions for Flash Glass are accepted on a year-round, rolling basis.

Foothill: a journal of poetry invites graduate students to submit up to six unpublished, English-language-based poems composed in any poetic genre or form. They accept simultaneous submissions, and they read them year round. As compensation for publication, authors receive one free copy of the print journal. Foothill is published by Claremont Graduate University.


“Dystopia / Utopia” themed short story Choose either for the theme of the 14th annual Momaya Short Story Competition. Cash prizes for first, second and third place, plus publication for honorable mentions. Entries accepted until 30 April 2017.

Broadsided Press is seeking submissions of poetry and short prose that respond to artist Amy Meissner's "The Fragile Domestic." Deadline is April 15, 2017. The winning entry will be published on May 1, 2017 as a Broadsided collaboration.

Sundress Publications is pleased to announce its fourth annual chapbook contest.  Authors of all genres are invited to submit qualifying manuscripts during their reading period of February 1 to April 15, 2017. The winner will receive a $200 prize, plus publication as a beautiful full-color PDF available exclusively online for free. Runners-up will also be considered for publication. This year's judge will be Darren C. Demaree.

Cosmonauts Avenue is thrilled to announce that our inaugural Non-Fiction Prize is now open for submissions! Their judge is Roxane Gay. They are looking for writing that is personal, necessary, darkly funny, unfunny, candid, unique, upsetting, popculture-y, untold– writing that is deeply good and deeply you. The winner will receive $500 and publication in Cosmonauts Avenue. Deadline is May 1st, 2017

Unsolicited Press is excited to announce their nonfiction essay contest--the grand prize winner will secure a guaranteed book contract, which will allow them to expand upon the winning essay (or another topic). The essay topic is open to the writer. All of the entry money from the contest will be used to produce the book and hopefully provide an advance to the writer. 

The Agha Shahid Ali Prize in Poetry  is awarded annually to honor the memory of a celebrated poet and a beloved teacher, Agha Shahid Ali.  The University of Utah Press and The University of Utah Department of English will award 1,000 and publication to the winnter. The 2017 deadline is April 15.

The Caterpillar is looking for new poems to delight and inspire young readers. If you've written a poem you think would appeal to 7–11-year olds, then why not enter this year's Caterpillar Poetry Prize? The poem can be on any subject, and there's no line limit. The deadline is March 31, 2017.

The Cleveland State University Poetry Center invites submissions for their 2017 Book Competitions. Full-length manuscripts will be accepted from January 1 - March 31, 2017. There are three competitions: First Book Poetry Competition with judge Suzanne Buffam; Open Book Poetry Competition with judges Rebecca Gayle Howell, Lo Kwa Mei-En, & Lee Upton; Essay Collection Competition with judge Renee Gladman. Winners will receive a $1,000 prize, publication, and a standard royalty contract.

Storm Cellar is currently on the hunt for aesthetically ambitious writing for our print journal and for their Force Majeure Flash Contest. Storm Cellar is a nationally distributed literary arts magazine rooted in the Midwest. They want your prose, poems, chimeras, and ideas penned on envelopes in buses and train cars. The magazine aims to publish amazing work by new and established writers and artists, present a range of styles and approaches, and be as un-boring as it can. $500 in prizes, and the deadline is April 4, 2017.

Glimmer Train now has two contests open, Very Short Fiction and Fiction. There is $7,400 in prizes. First-place winners will be published in Glimmer Train. The deadline for both is August 30, 2017.

EVENT’s 2017 Non-Fiction Contest is now taking submissions. The guest judge is J. Jill Robinson. The winner(s) receives $1,500 in prizes plus publication in EVENT. EVENT reserves the right to award the prize money as it sees fit (e.g.,  two prizes valued at $750, three at $500, or one at $1000 and one at $500, etc.) in accordance with the judge’s decision. The deadline is April 15, 2017.

The Second Annual Ex Ophidia Press Poetry Book Prize is now open for submissions! The winning poet will receive $1,000 in cash and 15 author copies. Open to all English-language authors (of any age, ethnicity, gender or orientation) for a book of poetry. Suggested length of manuscript is between 64 and 84 pages, single-spaced. The deadline is August 15, 2017.

Australian Book Review welcomes entries in the 2017 ABR Elizabeth Jolley Short Story Prize, one of the world’s leading prizes for an original short story. They are seeking stories of between 2,000 and 5,000 words, written in English. The 2017 Jolley Prize is worth a total of $12,500, with a first prize of $7,000 and supplementary prizes of $2,000 and $1,000. The judges will also commend three additional stories, the authors of which will each receive $850. Entries close at midnight 10 April 2017.

Friends of Falun Gong is excited to announce their new poetry contest and is currently taking submissions. FoFG is a U.S.–based non-profit organization interested in advancing human rights through the form of poetry. There is no entry fee. All winners will be published on FoFG’s website. 1st Place winners (adult, college, and youth) will appear in print in the Society of Classical Poets Journal. The deadline is April 30, 2017.

Shelterbelt Press is now accepting submissions for its first Poetry Prize, which being judged by Ada Limón! The winning book will be published by Shelterbelt Press in the fall of 2017. Winners receive a $500 award, 25 copies of their book, plus a trip to the University of Illinois Springfield for a reading and launch party.
Profane's Nonfiction Prize will be judged by Brevity editor and author Dinty W. Moore. The winner will receive $1,000 and a blurb from the contest judge, and finalists will be announced and considered for publication. There is no theme. Send your best flash, essays, journalism, or narratives that will spoon out some space in our guts and take up residence there. Deadline is July 31, 2017.

Profane’s Fiction Prize will be judged by Devin Murphy. They want stories that are bold, that are daring, that mock and ridicule, that sneer, that disgust and appall and shock. The prize is $1,000, publication in their Winter 2017 issue, and a blurb from the contest judge. They’re accepting submissions through July 31st.

Conferences, Workshops, and More

The Baltic Writing Residency is extremely excited to announce the establishment of the Stormé DeLarverie writing residency, specifically aimed at under-represented writers. They are currently taking applications. It will offer 6-7 days in a Victorian apartment in historic Old Louisville, or off of the Blue Ridge Parkway in idyllic Boone, NC (1.5 hrs from Asheville; 1 hr from Winston-Salem). The deadline in June 15, 2017. The application fee is $15.00, and applicants should identify as member of an underrepresented group.

Sundress Academy for the Arts (SAFTA) is excited to announce they are now accepting applications for one to three week artist residencies between August 21st and December 31st, 2017. For the fall residency period, SAFTA will be pairing with VIDA to offer two fellowships (one full fellowship and one 50% fellowship) for a week-long residency to two women writers of any genre. Deadline for applications is May 7th, 2017.

Something to add? Send it to We're especially interested in opportunities that cater to new and emerging writers.

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