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Calls for Submissions - December 2011

NewPages LitPak!

Dozens of calls for submissions and contest announcements are available in the most recent LitPak, put out by NewPages.  Visit to view the PDFs of these fliers.

The Coffin Factory Call for Submissions and Poetry Contest

Greetings from the editors of The Coffin Factory, a new literary magazine for people who love books. We publish fiction, essay, and art three times a year because we believe that quality literature and art are essential for the existence of an intelligent and culturally engaged society.

Our first issue is now available in Barnes & Noble and independent bookstores nationwide, and features work by Joyce Carol Oates, Milan Kundera, Roberto Bolaño, José Saramago, and Rabindranath Tagore, in addition to interviews with New Directions Publishing and Justin Taylor.

In each issue we feature at least one Market Fresh Selection, which is a section devoted to writers who have not been published in any major magazines or journals, and do not have an agent. We pay professional rates to all of our writers. Submission guidelines can be found on our website at

We are also having a Poetry Contest.  Submissions are open now through December 15.  Please visit our website for guidelines.

For more information, or to purchase your copy of the magazine directly from our website, please visit us at Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates on events, book reviews, and contemporary reading culture. 

Meridian Call for Submissions

MERIDIAN is accepting online entries for its twelfth annual Editors’ Prize Contests in fiction and poetry. Genre winners receive a $1,000 prize and publication; all entries receive a one-year electronic subscription. Entry fee: $8.00.  Deadline: midnight, Dec. 30, 2011.

Please note a few significant changes in our 2012 contest:
1) Our entry fee is now only $8
2) Entrants receive an electronic version of the journal (.pdf or ePub) rather than a print subscription
3) We are only allowing two submissions per genre per entrant

We believe this new contest model is better for you, and better for us. Rather than having you pay substantial entry fees to cover the cost of a print subscription (and mailing fees), we’re trying a lower $8 entry fee and will e-mail you electronic versions of the January and May 2012 issues. Fewer trees, less cost … and we’ll still have print-on-demand versions of Meridian available at an inexpensive rate for those readers who want something tangible.

We expect to announce winners toward the end of March 2012.

All submissions will be considered for publication in Meridian.
Fiction writers may submit one story of 10,000 words or fewer. Poets may submit up to 4 poems totaling 10 pages or fewer.

For full eligibility rules and submission guidelines see

Kweli Journal Call for Submissions

Kweli Journal, an online literary journal that celebrates the shared cultural experience of people of color, is currently seeking literature of occupation for its January 2012 social justice issue. The Occupy Movement is a national movement of men and women from all races, backgrounds, and religions with the shared goal of ending corporate greed from the wealthiest 1%. Kweli Journal invites submissions of short stories, poetry, and essays that represent the day to day realities and frustrations of the poor working class and middle class living on the edge. Let your words and experiences be part of the global movement against the oppression of the 99%.

Recent issues of Kweli have featured the work of Jennine Capo Crucet and Amaud Jamaul Johnson. Upcoming issues of the journal will feature Camille Dungy, Aaron Michael Morales and Neela Vaswani.

For fiction, we primarily look for short stories or self-contained novel excerpts. Prose should be double-spaced. Submit one prose piece at a time. For nonfiction, we look for personal essays or self-contained memoir excerpts. Prose should be double-spaced. Submit one prose piece at a time.For poetry, we allow a submission of three poems at a time. Submissions should be single spaced and set as you want it to appear on the printed page.

Our next reading period is November 19, 2011 to January 7, 2012. Submit your work to: Payment is upon publication.

Prism International Contests

PRISM's 2011/2012 contest deadlines are approaching, so stop procrastinating and get your entries in!!

The Short Fiction Contest has a deadline of January 27, 2012. The winning story will receive $2000, as well as publication payment for our poetry and fiction contest issue. Three runner-up prizes of $200 dollars are also conferred. This year's judge is Jessica Grant, an award-winning fiction writer, a member of Newfoundland’s Burning Rock Collective (members include Michael Winter and Lisa Moore), and the author of Making Light of Tragedy and Come, Thou Tortoise.

The Poetry Contest also has a January 27, 2012 deadline. Each entry can be up to three poems. A $1000 grand prize is awarded for the best poem and the winner receives publication and payment in our poetry and fiction contest issue. $300 and $200 are awarded to runners-up. This year's poetry judge is Jen Currin, author of three books of poetry: The Sleep of Four Cites (Anvil Press, 2005); Hagiography (Coach House, 2008); and The Inquisition Yours (Coach House, 2010), which is shortlisted for the 2011 Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize, the Lambda Literary Award in Poetry, and the Audre Lorde Poetry Award.

Entry fees for all contests are $28, and additional entries can be added for $7 each. Every participant receives a one-year subscription to PRISM international. Works of translation are eligible.

Contest entries must be sent to PRISM through snail mail, accompanied by an entry form and cheque or receipt of credit card payment. For entry forms and the option to pay fees by credit card, please visit PRISM's contest page.
Entries can be sent to:

PRISM international
Creative Writing Program
The University of British Columbia
BUCH E462-1866 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1

CutBank Contests Call for Submissions

CutBank is proud to announce our call for submissions to our annual Montana Prize in Fiction, Montana Prize in Creative Non-Fiction, and the Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry!

Submissions have already begun, but the contests run through Feb 29, 2012. Winners receive $500 and publication in CutBank 77. All submissions will be considered for publication in CutBank. The contests' $17 entry fee includes a one-year, two-issue subscription to CutBank, beginning with the prize issue, CutBank 77.

Please send only your best work. With all three of these awards, we are seeking to highlight work that showcases an authentic voice, a boldness of form, and a rejection of functional fixedness. For more information, guidelines, and to apply, click here.

Our judges this year are the following:

Montana Prize in Fiction: Benjamin Percy
Montana Prize in Creative Non-Fiction: Eula Biss
Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry: Bhanu Kapil

Cab Call for Submissions

The new literary journal Cab is seeking submissions of literary fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and cross-genre work. Writers are paid for their work. Submission guidelines at

Cab is also on Facebook: Cab is a philanthropic literary journal. The proceeds of sales go to support schools and literacy programs around the world.

Ginosko Literary Journal Call for Submissions

Accepting short fiction & poetry, creative nonfiction, interviews, social justice concerns, spiritual insights for GINOSKO LITERARY JOURNAL.

Editorial lead time 1-2 months; accept simultaneous submissions & reprints; length flexible, accept excerpts. Receives postal submissions & email—prefer email submissions as attachments in Microsoft Works Word Processor, Rich Text Format or Word. Copyright reverts to author. Read year around.

Publishing as semiannual ezine. Check downloadable issues on website for tone & style:

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