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Ashland MFA at AWP

In just a few short weeks, the MFA program, River Teeth, and the Ashland Poetry Press will be packing up and shipping out to D.C. for the annual AWP Conference. We’re looking forward to seeing many familiar (and perhaps some new) faces from the MFA Program during the conference! You can find us at Booth #606.

Several of our faculty are presenting this year at AWP. Here are a few sessions you won’t want to miss:

Thursday, February 3
10:30 AM to 11:45 AM
“A Sense of Where We Were: Nonfiction Writers on Setting” with William Bradley, Robert Root, Bob Cowser, Steven Church, and Kristen Iversen
Scheduled Room: Hampton Ballroom, Omni Shoreham Hotel, East Lobby

1:30 PM to 2:45 PM
“Playing for Keeps: Intensity and Creativity in the Lyric Essay” with Rebecca McClanahan, Kathy Winograd, Steven Harvey, and Robert Root
Scheduled Room: Virginia C Room, Marriott Wardman Park, Lobby Level

2:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Sonya Huber will be signing copies of her book, Cover Me at the University of Nebraska Press, Booth 219 & 221

Friday, February 4
3:00 PM to 4:15 PM
“Flinging the Ink Pot: Resisting Messages About Off-Limits Subjects in Memoir” with Jill Christman, Joe Mackall, Kate Hopper, Paul Lisicky, and Sue William Silverman
Scheduled Room: Thurgood Marshall North, Marriott

4:30 PM to 5:45 PM
“Poet/Editors on Inclusivity and Race” with Rich Villar, Dan Chiasson, Don
Share, Carmen Giménez Smith, and Barbara Jane Reyes
Scheduled Room: The Omni Shoreham Empire Ballroom, West Lobby

4:30 PM to 5:45 PM
“Research in the Creative Writing Classroom: Methods, Pedagogies, Dilemmas” with Laura Valeri, Sonya Huber, Jay Snodgrass, Jessie Thieman, Katie Brookins
Scheduled Room: Hoover Room, Marriott Wardman Park, Mezzanine Level

6:00 PM
“A Multicultural Reading in Response to SB 1070.”: Join Carmen Giménez Smith and over twenty other poets who will lend their energy and language to a group reading in response to Arizona Senate Bill 1070 and in resistance to the atmosphere of national xenophobia under which the bill (and its emerging counterparts) were created.

Saturday, February 5
12:00 PM
“2010 Coffee House Press anthology Working Words Reading” Politics and Prose Bookstore, 12:00 noon, Saturday Feb. 5, 5015 Conn. Ave., NW, Washington DC

4:30 PM to 5:45 PM
“LaChiPo and the New Latino Poetics/Politics” with John-Michael Rivera, Rodrigo Toscano, Valerie Martinez, Roberto Tejada, Danielle Cadena Deulen, and Carmen Giménez Smith
Scheduled Room: Wilson A, B, & C Room, Marriott Wardman Park, Mezzanine Level

4:30 PM to 5:45 PM
“The Unfolding Story: Narrative Possibilities in Creative Nonfiction” with Steven Harvey, Joe Mackall, Jocelyn Bartkevicius, Bob Cowser, and Michael Steinberg
Scheduled Room: Executive Room, Omni Sheraton Hotel, West Lobby

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