Black Fork Review, issue 2, was released this December -- check out the issue here: Issue 2 features work by Lisa Dominguez Abraham, Scott Alumbaugh, Mary Biddinger, Bree-Anna Burick, Jason Gaidis, Kate Gale, Christian Kiefer, Arlena Lockard, Jay Robinson, J. L. Scott, Kelly Sundberg, Naomi Williams, and other lovely authors. Black Fork Review is a student-edited literary magazine featuring work by the AU writing community (MFA students, undergrads, faculty, and alumni), as well as work by established writers outside of AU. The magazine is edited by MFA students and undergraduates in the creative writing program at Ashland. Thanks to the MFA program, the English Department, and The Ashland Poetry Press for their support. El Craneo de la Muerte (fiction header) by Avery Braun
A two-year, low-residency program in creative writing