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AU Ranked in Poets & Writers MFA Index

The annual MFA issue of Poets & Writers is out, and Ashland University's MFA program is listed among the 26 low-residency programs featured.

Of the 47 low-residency MFA programs currently available in the United States (Association of Writers and Writing Programs), AU ranks second in job placement, fourth in fellowship placement, and 11th in selectivity.  While the program did not place in a six-year popularity survey, it placed 19th in the popularity survey for 2011.

We'll take post-graduate successes over applicant popularity any day.

The 26 programs that Poets & Writers chose to feature "are those that either placed in the first 25 in a popularity survey taken over six years by a total of 302 applicants to low-residency programs or appear in the first 25 in at least two of the following three categories: selectivity (how selective they are in accepting applicants), fellowship placement (which had the most graduates receive any of forty-two creative writing fellowships over the past decade), and job placement (which had the most graduates hired as full-time creative writing faculty at the college level over the last five years), adjusted for program size."

Ashland University's low-residency program is in its sixth year, recently completing its seventh annual residency.  Its unique two-genre program focuses on poetry and creative nonfiction. Summer residencies often explore the unique relationship between these two genres.

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